Some Alternative Medicines...


 I have decided to write in brief on some alternative "medicines" which have worked for me. I must stress that I am not a doctor, and anyone wanting to use any of the suggestions  below should consult a general practioner or undertake a relevant in depth research. What follows is based on personal experience alone. 

Arthritis/Copper Heelers

In the former article on this blog I discussed my experiences with turmeric and covid. This proved to be remarkable in my case. Turmeric is also know for "curing"arthritis and through my own experience it seems to do that. But there is another "method" if you can call it that, and that is the Copper Heelers. These have been known to work for many with arthritis in the legs. There are many testimonials from people but ofcourse we are not talking about mainstream medicine. 

I went to London sometime ago and bought some Copper Heelers at a shop near Baker Street Station. Admitedly, they did not seem to work at first... but later on they did,,,,and has saved me money for having to continually buy pure organic("unadulterated") turmeric. 

Heart Problems/Chilli Powder

As we get older we may feel minor angina pains. In my experience they can be cured "instantly" simply by using a small spoonful of chilli pepper as powder (or liquid version) with cold water. Indeed, it may well stop a full scale heart attack. 

Grapefruit Pectin and Hawthorn

The above natural product is noted in connection with heart circulation and like problems. At the end of the 20th century I was doing some direct selling, and on several occasions I experienced sudden unexpected  spasms in a certain area of my chest. I found this very disturbing. At the time I started to use grapefruit pectin capsules in large quantities....However, I then had a more frightening experience in which I felt a series of dangerous angina pain associated with the onset of full heart attack! I greatly increased my consumption of grapefuit pectin as never before...and it suddenly disappeared. Again, I cannot prove that there was a causal link  but I suspect the pectin was largely responsible for ending these unwelcome experiences. A key factor in this was probably the huge amount of vitamin C ingested by me from the grapefruit pectin.  

 Incidently, hawthorn is excellent in dilating the arteries in order to improve circulation. On one occasion, I accidently took too much of it as capsules, and the experience was somewhat frightening! So, always read the label on a health product, and NOT overdose...ofcourse! In the case of grapefruit pectin there were no problems even though I was overdosing. But please use your common sense about these matters...


I had a friend called Keith Bosley. He went to his doctor one day and instead of being prescribed a drug for his gout pain he was told to buy some cherries. He thought that his general practioner had gone mad!! However, he did and much to his delight and amazement it worked for him!!

Instant Pain Reliever?

I met an elderly man sometime ago and he told me about his experiences with accupressure (ie acupuncture without needles!). By putting his fingers on certain areas of the body he was able to show me how certain types of pain could be instantly relieved. There seems to have been quite a few scientific experiments which suggest that it actually works. 

I have not given references. For those of you who are interested just google the key words etc...




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